
Lokapoin Indonesia
Keke Genio

Gedung LPIK ITB, Jl. Ganesa No.15, Kb. Pisang, Kec. Sumur Bandung, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40112

Informasi Perusahaan

PT Lokapoin Kreasi Indonesia adalah perusahaan teknologi yang bergerak di bidang pariwisata, kuliner, dan smart city. Di tahun 2017, Lokapoin meluncurkan platform pemesanan akomodasi dan aktivitas berbasis lokal yang telah membantu +100 homestay, villa, dan guesthouse di Bandung, Pangandaran, dan Yogyakarta. Selain itu di tahun 2021, Lokapoin merintis Lokaresto, sebuah platform pembuatan menu digital yang telah membantu lebih dari 50 UMKM kuliner untuk melakukan digitalisasi menu dan proses pemesanan selama era pandemi. Di tahun yang sama, Lokapoin berhasil membantu implementasi teknologi guna terwujudnya program smart tourism dan smart city di Kabupaten Siak dan Kabupaten Maros bekerjasama dengan Lintasarta. Setelah lebih dari 3 tahun berjalan, Lokapoin terus berkomitmen untuk menciptakan inovasi teknologi yang dapat secara langsung berdampak positif terhadap perkembangan industri pariwisata serta UMKM khususnya yang terdampak oleh pandemi.

“With a capital of zero rupiah and a dream to become a full-time entrepreneur, two migrants who graduated from SBM ITB with a Bidikmisi scholarship in 2016 established Local Point Adventure, a trip organizer based on local wisdom. Even though he was forced to run a business while working for a corporate company for 7 months in order to survive in overseas lands, finally the business that was started from scratch could be inaugurated under the name PT Lokapoin Kreasi Indonesia in 2017. In the same year, the Lokapoin team won First Place Internationalization Track in the Swiss Innovation Challenge Competition held by n/w universities and SBM ITB. Being able to fly to Switzerland for free was a turning point for Lokapoin; Besides being the first opportunity to visit abroad, the experience of going to Switzerland and presenting business ideas in front of an international audience increased our confidence as a businessman who came from an underprivileged family background. Furthermore, Lokapoin started to initiate a technology platform for booking accommodation and local-based activities with two co-founders who are qualified in the Software and IT fields to win various other awards, one of which is the 1st Place Appcelerate organized by Lintasarta. Even though it has not succeeded in getting investors, the Lokapoin startup remains committed to creating the widest possible impact with funds obtained from business operations profits and grants; one of which was a grant received from the business incubation of LPiK ITB. Business capital and economic background are not a barrier for us; it actually makes us even more motivated to create more innovations.”

  • Mochammad Nurcahyo

    Penanggung Jawab

  • Keke Genio

    Penanggung Jawab

  • Tommy Ikhlasul Amal

    Penanggung Jawab